Why are martial arts so good at teaching life skills? We know that have been for centuries, don’t we? Martial artists have always been prime examples of good living, patriotism, and ethics. Values are an intrinsic part of martial arts study. It seems to teach it better than nearly any other method.
When you were young, perhaps before you can remember, you touched something hot. After the first (or maybe second!) time you were scalded you learned a valuable life lesson. Don’t touch hot things!
In fact, you learned it so well that to this day you never deliberately touch anything hot. These physical lessons have a way of sticking with us forever.
So it is with the martial arts. We learn lessons about flexibility in our physical bodies, that relate to adaptability in our thinking. We learn about strength in the body that relates to strength in our hearts and minds. Leveraging our core to create more powerful kicks, punches and throws, teaches us about leveraging our skills in life to create greater “power.” Each physical lesson has its spiritual and mental equivalent.
A good martial artist should always be on the look out for these parallels between the dojiang/dojo and our outside lives. A successful martial artist will become skilled in their application.
- Master Vigil